Saturday, August 29, 2009

Our NEXT great adventure...

I'm soo excited I can't sleep. PLUS it's only midnight and I normally got o bed at 2am, which is when Kyle has to be at work tomorrow. Booooo.

We have set out on our NEXT great adventure, the next wonderful chapter in our beautiful story. We have been meeting with our family friend Jim about options on buying a house. We orginially just kicked the idea around as something we'd like to do but me with no job it seemed a bit impossible. Mainly, we were hoping to see where we stand and what we needed to do to qualify. To our shock and surprise we qualify for much more then we thought we would!!! Oh HAPPY DAY!!

We've been shuffling through some listings and driving some neighborhoods and found 3 so far that we really like and want to see. Here comes the exciting part....we get to go look at those 3 tomorrow!!! eeeeeeee...SOOO excited!! We loved the areas and the community so it's just if we like the actual home!!

I'm excited beyond words to be starting this next part of our lives together. Owning and building a home together just sounds amazing. To put our time and love into a place of our own and our FUTURE family!! awwww.... it sounds soo sweet.

Until tomorrow....

1 comment:

  1. I'm SO happy for you Kim!!!! This is wonderful news :) Happy house hunting.

    miss you
