The little things in life are sometimes over looked, but I'm soo lucky to have found someone that not only sees the big picture but sees the little things that make me smile. We were watching "The Ugly Truth" last night and the main character described all the traits of her "perfect man" it got me thinking...then today I went to the front office @ home to find a beautiful arrangement of flowers for me that simple reads "...I love you. Your 'handsome man'" This has prompted my reasons that Kyle D Cole is the perfect man. [in no particular order]
1. You send me flowers "just because"
2. You ALWAYS try to surprise me but in your attempt to "never lie to me" you sell yourself out
3. You never lie to me
4. You find pure joy in making me happy and taking care of me
5. You made my family and friends fall in love with you
6. You have an amazing family that have welcomed me with open arms
7. Your friends have become my friends and I LOVE them
8. You know EVERYTHING. If there is something you don't know, you learn it
9. You have a motivation to contuniously better yourself
10. You stand up for injustice
11. You love the lord
12. You strive to be a better man to me and the world then you were yesterday
13. You love talking about me when i'm not around
14. You braved your "never buy a girlfriend jewelry again rule" and bought me something at Tiffany's
15. You love me the way you know I should be loved
16. You love candy
17. You join in the silliness
18. You melt for our sweet baby kitties
19. You truly listen to what I have to say, soak it up and apply it to our life
20. You are the man of our house and lead us both with conviction and faith
21. You support me
22. You let me feel comfortable enough to be me
23. You feel comfortable enough to be you
24. You USUALLY embrace change once i've convinced you that you should
25. You get my humidifer ready for me EVERY NIGHT. Even on the nights you don't want to
26. You learned Snoopy's Christmas on your own
27. You introduced me to the Smith's
28. You like to clean...NO you HAVE to clean
29. You look out for our best interest
30. You hold me and it makes my world at peace
31. You are an amazing writer
32. You are pushing yourself for more so we can have a better future
33. You have an alluring confidence about you
34. You are sexy when you work
35. You have a passion for music that we can share
36. You never get mad at me
37. You love me unconditionally and more then I ever dreamed possible
38. You think about our future, our family and it's centered around God.
39. You give all of you and then some
40. You are incredibly handsome
41. You always have an opinion [that is meant as a compliment]
42. You have a never ending thirst for knowledge
43. You are the perfect complement to me
44. You sing to me
45. You are the epitome of perfection
I love you my Handsome Man.